sump hose.
10. Remove the two 1/4” pump housing mounting
1/4” Hex
1/4” Hex
11. Slide the pump housing backward to disengage
the front locator pins.
Locator Pin
Locator Pin
12. Remove the three T-20 pump screws and re-
move the pump.
Recirculation Pump
Operating Voltage
: 120 VAC
: 14.8
Drain Pump Location (Front View)
Recirculation Pump
Drain Pump
Recirculation pump operation is controlled by a
relay on the IMC board. Recirculation pump opera-
tion is monitored by the IMC through the pressure
sensor. Before the recirculation pump starts, the IMC
board records the current pressure sensor reading.
When the recirculation pump is started, the IMC
board looks for the pressure sensor reading to drop
slightly. If this drop does not occur, the IMC sets a
recirculation pump error code.
Recirculation Pump Strip Circuit
IMC J701-3
To Neutral
IMC J101-2
Recirculation Pump