O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s
Hoef er S E 1 20 0 E asy Br eez e A i r G el D ry er
Figure 2 Frame parts
and gel drying stack
assembly (frame size
20 cm x 20 cm or
20 cm x 25 cm)
6. Turn the frame assembly over. Turn each knob ¼ turn so that the long edge is
perpendicular to both frames. (See Figure 3.) This "locks" the two frames together,
preventing slippage as the gel shrinks during drying.
Figure 3 Lock the frame
Flip the assembly over
and turn the knobs
perpendicular to the
Outer frame,
Hoefer label faces up.
Screw 8 knobs
into the
threaded holes
in the outer
Orient the frame
so that the screws
face down.
Cellophane or Mylar
Inner frame,
with word UP facing up
Loading platform