DMA (Arm)
This luminaire is designed for outdoor lighting applications, and
should not be used in areas of limited ventilation, or in high
ambient temperature enclosures; it should be installed and
maintained according to following recommendations.
This luminaire has been properly packed so that no parts should
have been damaged during transit. Inspect to confirm.
Reflector Rotation:
Reflectors may be rotated such that socket
is in any of four positions. This allows for variations in beam aiming.
In order to rotate the reflector the following procedure should be
1. Rotation is best accomplished before mounting the luminaire
on pole.
2. Note the rear edge of reflector position with respect to hinges
(edge inserted into hinge pocket). Access reflector by loosening
reflector plate to main housing screw and allowing reflector
plate assembly to lie on door assembly. It is not necessary to
detach tether.
3. Remove four screws which attach reflector to reflector plate.
4. Rotate reflector to desired position, being careful not to twist
socket lead wires. For type VT3, do not aim street side toward
the pole.
5. Reattach reflector by re-inserting four screws.
6. Reposition reflector plate by inserting rear edge of plate into
hinge pocket and attach plate to main housing with screw.
NOTE: Power leads should be pulled as mounting parts are
assembled, verifying that leads are free and not pinched.
Ballast voltage selection is best accomplished before mount-
ing luminaire. See
for instruction.
1. Install nut plate inside pre-drilled pole with nuts to inside.
Secure with screw provided.
2. Install the two (2) studs ensuring that they fully penetrate the
nuts on the nut plate.
3. Align upper and lower guides on inside of mounting arm with
their respective studs and slide it into place against pole.
4. Open luminaire door by pushing inward on latches while
supporting door. Release reflector plate by loosening plate
main housing screw and allow plate to hang from tether.
5. Install the luminaire and secure with flat washers and locknuts
provided. Align the system as the nuts are tightened.
CAUTION: Ensure that nuts fully engage the two studs.
Correct tightening of stud nuts is important to ensure proper
function of mounting system. Torque nuts to 18-22 foot
Unit will fall if not installed properly
Follow installation instructions
Risk of electric shock
Turn power off before servicing
see instructions
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or
maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred
to GE Lighting Solutions.
Lighting Solutions