GE DDE6350G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11

Содержание DDE6350G

Страница 1: ...dSerialNumbers 2 OperatingInstructions 5 I ermPressDryingTips 5 7 11 1 2 ProblemSolver 10 12 RepairService 15 SafetyInstructions 3 4 Sorting 4 8 StoringDryer 13 1 imed Drying 5 UserMaintenance Instructions 13 Warranty BackCover f w 5 use and care of models DDE6350G DDG6380 YourDirect Line to Gemrd Electric TheGEltm ww G ntef stie626 2w lzifaBT6_ _ 1413f13g ___ pti G EHERAL EcTRlc q ysv A L u y e a...

Страница 2: ...nthemdd andserialIRumberse You ll findthan onalabelonthe frontofthedryerbehindthedoor Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourdryer Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourdryer ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook call TheGEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 co...

Страница 3: ...W SUbsmcm suchas olh degreasers cltig solvent kerosene etc whichmay giveoff vaporsthat eodd lignite or explode m not use or store SWhSubstmlces n or around your washer and or dryer during iptxatim Anyarticleonwhichyouhave useda cleaningsolvent or which containsflammablematerials suchascleaningcloths mops towelsusedinbeautysalons restaurantsorbarbershops etc mustnotbeplacedinornearthe dryeruntilall...

Страница 4: ...r plug Ifyoursis a gasdryer it is equippedwithan automaticelectric ignitionanddoesnothavea pilot light DONOTATTEMPT TO IJGHT WITHA NIAT CH Burns mayresultfromhavingyourhand inthevicinityoftheburnerwhen theautomaticignitionmayturnon Dryer applied fdmk softeners Ow anti sbtic Conditioners Mmmay wishto soften your h mderd fabricsor I edwethe static electricity in them we reeolnmendyouuse eithera fabr...

Страница 5: ...W Heat FM No Heat Automatic PermPressand Timed KnitsCycie Cycie I 63 I e I I 0 TurnSTART knobto start dryer Openingthedoorduring e Turn CycleSelectortodesired cyclesetting o eration stops the dryer Tore start closethedoorandturnthe START knob Polyester Knit PermanentPress g tips e o Nm CWHUQ4D Grments beingdriedor dewrinkledshould tumblefreely QI MOVE CLOIMES PRXVIPTLY To helppreventwrinkling remo...

Страница 6: ...SetatLIGHTFABRICS BabyClothes Delicate 1 Delicates Knits LowHeat AutomaticPermPress andKnitsCycle Setat20to25minutes Blankets Wool PartWool I Normal Cotton Electric Synthetic See HighHeat belowunder Extra largeItems TimedCycle Forfirstsetting setat20minutes forsecondsetting setat 15minutes Curtains Slipcovers Draperies I Normal DONOI MACHINE DRY HighHeat FIBERGLASS TimedCycle Firstsetting 20minute...

Страница 7: ...rperiodicallyandcheck filterforexcesslint Removeandrestartdryer ThmbleonFLUFF NoHeat settingasheatmaycausealterationinshape colorandappearanceofsucharticles Stopdryerperiodicallyandcheckfilterforexcesslint Removeandrestartdryer S ecialprecautionsmustbetakenforextra largeitems Setdryerfor20minutesthencheckcare lly Set 15minutesforsecondsetting check again and5 minutesforeachadditionalsetting Makesu...

Страница 8: ...sman madefibersand nappedfabricslikevelveteenand corduroy attract lint andmustbe driedseparately SUM by fabric from from from In additiontosortingtoreducelint collection it isrecommendedthat fabricsofsimilarconstructionbe driedtogetherwheneverpossible sort b ycolor Separate from c m Lights from sort bywe t from Non COlorfast L from Forinformationontumbledrying extra largeitemsanddifferent fabricsa...

Страница 9: ...orner oradditionalinformationonlint filter seepage13 Enewy savingmps s Sort clothesbyweightsoyouwon t Tohelppreventironing use Cleandryerlintfiltereachtime havetorun anextracycleforoneor I errn Pressor Delicates Knits YOU dry mc B aE _ Jf J LA _ twoheavier slower drying items Remove garmentspromptlyat Seepage8 endofdryingcycleandplace Cleandryerexhaustductingat onhangers leastoncea year Apartially...

Страница 10: ... ance withInstallation Instructions CX ruction inexhaustducting I e n sh k ng is cleanandfreeofobstruction makesure amperinoutside wallciipopemtiseasily If flexibleductingisused be sureit is notkinkedandispiqjerly instalkd kccortig tb InstallationInstructions 6Blown fusesortrippedcircuitbreakers Check household fhsesor circuitbreakers Mostelectricdry rsusetwo It is ppssibleftirtmetobe bkmmor tripp...

Страница 11: clothesin dryeraftertumblingstops Remove cMhespromptlyandhang PERMANENTPRESS hemimmediately AND NO IRON H YE S Toomanyitemsindryer Dryonlyonewasher oad atatime Donotcombineloads Toofewitem indrye o fd ing ody art ifjq a j fwo Or more similararticles even if dry toinsurepropertumbling Improperloads Avoidlaundering heavyPermanentPressitems suchasworkclothes withlighterPermanentPressitems suchassh...

Страница 12: Ifunsuccessful retumb eonhighheatforKM2minutesandhangimmediately Ironcarefi dly Send todrycleanersforpressing Somewrinklesmayremainwhichcannotbermnoved NOTE Efyoufollowgoodlaundryprocedures andPermanent Pressclothesstillcome outwrinkled thefinishmaynotbegoodquality Also inpermanentpresssynthetic cottonMends thecottonportionofthefabriccaneventually wearawayleavingonlythe synthetic Sinceit sthec...

Страница 13: ...ductingatleast onceayear Tostore dryer I orshortperiodof time disconnectpowersupplyand cleanlintfilter Donotstoredryerwhereit willbe exposedtotheweather C2WTIONS SI Beforehavingyourelectricdryer connected inyournewresidence be sureyourlicensedelectrician confirmsthatthesupplyvoltage matchesthevoltage specified onthe ratingplate Dryercontrolpanelandftishes maybedarnaged bysomelaundry pre treatment ...

Страница 14: ...rhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestiHnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthVVacker Drive Chicago Illinois60606 ...

Страница 15: ...OW OIIEtO Replacementofhousefusesor teachyouhowto usethe product resettingof circuitbreakers IFWd your UseandCarematerial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthan itsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingtheproduct leasecontactvourdealerorour or usedcommercially msumer Affaksofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tollfree byaccident fire floodsor acts TheG...
