GE DDE5706L - Тип: Встроенный посудомоечный машина. Найти инструкцию по эксплуатации "Use And Care Manual" можно на Скачайте бесплатно руководство по эксплуатации для GE DDE5706L и наслаждайтесь легким использованием этого продукта.
Страница 1: ...ts DryingTips 5 7 11 Light BulbReplacement 13 Lint Filter 5 9 13 Loading 5 9 Modeland Serial Numbers 2 Operating the Dryer 5 Perm PressDryingTips 5 7 11 12 Problem Solver 10 12 Repair Service 15 SafetyInstructions 2 4 Sorting 5 8 Storing Dryer 13 User MaintenanceInstructions 13 Warranty Models DDE5706L DDG5786L Back Cover ...
Страница 2: ...26 2000 FOR YOUR SAFETY if yousmellgas 1 open Windowsa 2 Don ttouch electricalswitches 3 Extinguishany openflame 4SImmediately call your gassupplier Don t turn eHectric swi ches on or Oti because sparks may ignite the gas FOR YOUR SAFEW Donotstoreoruse gasoline orother fiammable vapow and liquids inthevicinity ofthisoranyother appliance Alldryinginstructiontermsin tl is bookconformtotheCareLabelin...
Страница 3: ...acetone denaturedalcohol gasoline kerosene sornehousehold cleaners somespotremovers turpentines waes wa removers andproductscontacting petroleum distillates e fi f Never reachintothedryer while the m ismoti geBeforeIoa Rg Wnloatingor addngClothes wait until thedrumhas c mpIe ly stopped close Supervision isneeessary Mtm appuance is used by or nar cM ene DOnot aijowchildren to playimide on or withtf...
Страница 4: ...dryer itis equippedwithanautomaticelectric ignitionanddoesnothavea pilot light ATT LIGHTWITHA MAmH Bums mayresultfromhavingyourhmd inthevicinityoftie burnerwhen theautomaticignitionmayturnon Serviceor performanceproblems causedbytie useoftheseproducts aretie responsibility oftie manufacturers ofthoseproducts andarenotcoveredunderthe warrantyofthisappliance ...
Страница 5: ...tinghelp Ifyoudomix varioustypesoffabricsin your load setthecontrolsforthe lighter weight fabricsandremove whendry Resetcontrolsforthe remainingheavierfabrics setthecontrols SeetheControlsSettingGuideon pages6 and7 0 SetDryingSelectionsswitch TurnCycleSelectortodesired cyclesetting Theselectormaybe turnedin eitherdirection PushSTARTswitchtostart dryer Openingthedoorduring operationstopsthedryer To...
Страница 6: ...to25minutes Blankets Wool PartWool Cotton Electric Synthetic See belowunder Extra largeItems Normal Regular Forfirstsetting setat LIGHTsetting20minutes forsecondsetting setat U minutes Curtains Slipcovers Draperies DON MACHINEDRY FIBERGLASS Normal Regular Regular Firstsetting LIGHT setting20minutes additionalsettings 5 minutes Setfortimedesired ChenilleBedspreads Robes See belowunder Extra largeIt...
Страница 7: ...andrestartdryer WmbleonNOHEATsettingasheatmaycausealterationinshape colorandappearanceofsucharticles Stopdryerperiodicallyandcheckfilterforexcesslint Removeandrestartdryer Specialprecautions mustbe takentodryextra large items Setdryerfor2CJ minutesthencheckcarefilly Set 15minutesforsecondsetting check again and5 minutesforeachadditiondsetting Makesurethatarticledoesnotfilldrum Manylargearticles wh...
Страница 8: ...kevelveteenand corduroy attract lint andmustbe driedseparately sort byfabric Separate from from w from In additiontosortingtoreducelint collection it is recommended that fabricsofsimilarconstructionbe togetherwhenever 8 possible sort by Color Separate 8 13 Whites from 13 Lights from n Darks from 0 3 Non Colorfast sort by wei t Separate from m e Light Items such as curtains Forinformationontumbledr...
Страница 9: ...rosstotheothercorner t Filter Foradditiondinformationonlint filter seepage13 Ene y savhg mps Sortclothesbyweightsoyouwon t Tohelppreventironing use Cleandryerlintfiltereachtime havetorunanextracycleforoneor Knits LowHeat Remove garments YOU dry twoheavier slower drying items promptlyatendofdryingcycleand Seepage8 placeonhangers e Clm dryerexhaust ducting atleast onceayear A partiallyclogged Do not...
Страница 10: ...ryerisductedin accordancewithInsMation Instructions obstructionin exhaustducting Makesureducthg iscleanandfreeofobstruction makesuredamperin outsidewallcapoperateseasily If flexibleductingis used be sureit isnotkinkedandisproperlyinstiled accordingtoInstallationkstructions Blownfusesortrippedcircuitbreakers Checkhouseholdfises or circuitbreakers Mostelectricdryersusetwo It ispossibleforonetobe blo...
Страница 11: ...successful returnbleonnormaltemperaturefor IO Uminutesandhang immediately Iron carefully Sendtodrycleanersforpressing SomeWrinuesmay remainwhichcannotberemoved NOTE IfyoufollowgoodlaundryproceduresandPermanentPressclothesstillcome outwrinUed thefinishmaynotbegoodquality Nso inpermanentpresssynthetic cottonblends thecottonportionofthefabriccaneventually wearawayleavingonlythe synthetic Sinceit sthe...
Страница 12: ...ryer For shortperiodof time disconnectpowersupplyand cleanlintfilter Donotstoredryerwhereit willbe exposedtotheweather CAUTIONS Beforehavingyourelectricdryer connectedinyournewresidence be sureyourlicensedelectrician confirmsthatthesupplyvoltage matchesthevoltagespecifiedon theratingplate Dryercontrolpanelandfinishes maybe damagedbysomelaundry pre treatmentsoilandstain removerproductsif suchproduc...
Страница 13: ...urtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In lrnost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illino...
Страница 14: ...cetrips 0 your ome 0 Replacement of housefusesor teachyouhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers Readyour Useand Cammaterial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactyourdealeror our or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tgllfree byaccident fire flood...