Issue 1.2
April 2012
Page 13
GE Multilin Inc. 2010-2012
Static and pseudo-static MAC addresses stored in flash for
guaranteed resumption of operation upon reboot.
Ability to display the “LAN” MAC address table entries that are
associated with any selected D-PVLAN (and QVLAN, if applicable).
Each local MAC address is displayed along with its type designation
(dynamic, static or pseudo-static) and the local port from which it
has been learned.
1 Gbit/s throughput between ETHER-1000 unit and paddleboard.
Enhanced port security features including blocking of unknown MAC
addresses, intrusion detection and automatic port disabling on cable
Configurable Unit Security mode. High security mode (default) ensures
that none of the unit parameters except those related to SONET-path
provisioning can be modified by non-administrators. Only VistaNET
administrators can change the unit security from High to Low.
Guaranteed delivery of mission critical traffic
critical traffic can be detected on ingress using the frame‟s
EtherType value. The
top priority queues in both “LAN” and “WAN”
switches are reserved for selected EtherType traffic. All other traffic
will use lower priority queues.
16 separate mapping priority queues per TDM pipe for frames
outputted through the unit's left and right Line (“trunk”) ports (8
queues are for pass-
through frames and 8 are for “add” frames).
8 priority queues for “drop” frames (the frames being passed from
the unit to the paddleboard).
Monitoring of each of the above priority queues‟ traffic (for
assurance that critical traffic is using the expected queues, and for
debugging traffic paths).
In the “LAN” switch, the frames ingressing the paddleboard access
ports (and not matching the selected EtherType) are prioritized
based on each frame‟s
source priority
(taken from the frame‟s
802.1p/Q priority field, from its „TOS‟ field in the layer-3 “IP” frame,
or from the per-port user-configurable Default Priority).
The “WAN” switch prioritizes non-EtherType frames using
, which can be set (per access port) to be:
Equal to the frame‟s source priority (except for the frames with
source priority 7, which are mapped with priority 6
), or
Pseudo-static MAC entries are the entries learned before the port got secured. Pseudo-static
entries do not age out.
To ensure that the top priority queue does not get “contaminated” with non-EtherType traffic.