Preparing The
Carpet Before
Vacuum Carpet
Never use this carpet shampooer/
extractor as a standard vacuum cleaner.
For best results, vacuum carpets with a
vacuum cleaner that has a brush roll.
The bristles of the brush roll help
loosen and remove soil that is deep in
the carpet nap.
Pretest for Color Fastness
Before cleaning the carpet, we recommend
testing the carpet for color fastness. Moisten a
white towel with the cleaning solution. Test a
small hidden area of the carpet in a closet or in
a corner. Gently rub the cloth over the carpet.
Check each color. If the towel does not pick up
any color, it should be safe to use the cleaning
solution on the entire area. See page 13 for
additional information.
Remove Furniture
Remove as much furniture from the room as
possible. Place aluminum foil or plastic film
under or around the legs and bases of the
remaining furniture to prevent stains. Leave the
foil or plastic in place until the carpet is
completely dry. Use masking tape or pins to hold
furniture skirts and draperies up out of the way.
Helpful Hints for Deep-Cleaning
Follow the instructions in this owner’s guide. Here
are a few extra hints that will make deep-cleaning
carpet easier.
Before you begin using the carpet shampooer/
extractor, vacuum carpet thoroughly.
• Do not use the carpet shampooer/extractor for
dry vacuuming as this can damage the unit.
Allow plenty of time to thoroughly deep-clean
carpets. Rushing the cleaning job may give poor
To speed drying time, deep-clean carpets during
dry periods of the year or when the heating system
is in operation.
Use consistent forward and reverse strokes over
the carpet surface.
Wipe cleaning solution from woodwork and wood
furniture immediately to prevent damage to the
wood or upholstery.
Fluff damp fibers against the nap after wet
cleaning to help the drying and prevent matting.
Ventilate the room while cleaning to speed
Try not to walk on carpets until they are dry.
• If the carpet shampooer/extractor is difficult to
push when operating, try pushing the cleaner at
a different 90 degree angle so it moves with the
grain and not against the grain of the carpet
Consult a professional cleaner before wet cleaning
Oriental rugs.
After Cleaning
Allow carpets to dry thoroughly. Try to keep
children and pets off the carpet until it is
completely dry.
Use towels or white cloths to step on if you must
walk on the area before it is dry.
If furniture must be placed back in the room
before the carpet is dry, use aluminum foil or
plastic under the furniture legs to prevent
staining the carpet.