Tone Equalizer
The phone’s 3-band tone equalizer boosts the sound of
the three frequency ranges ( 600Hz, 1.2KHz, 2.4KHz ) to
compensate for the ear’s limited sensitivity in these ranges.
1. To turn on the equalizer, press the “amplify” button after
you pick up the handset, or any time during the a call. The
indicator around the button illuminates.
2. To adjust the setting open the equalizer cover. Slide each
switch toward “+” to increase or amplify sounds, or toward
“-” to decrease the sound within that specific range.
3. To turn off the equalizer press the “amplify” button and
the indicator light turns off.
The unit is also equipped with the 3.5mm Neckloop jack for
an optional Neckloop device (to be purchased separately).
When Neckloop device is plugged in, audio signal to Handset
earpiece will be transferred to the Neckloop device. No
output on Handset earpiece will be heard.
NOTE: Inserting the Neckloop device will
not affect the behaviour of the Base Unit
Speakerphone or the Handset microphone