Power Supply Connection
1. Connect the power adaptor provided with your unit
to the base.
2. Connect the adaptor to an electrical wall outlet.
3. When power is applied to the base, the unit goes
through a one minute initialization process in the
following sequence:
a) the blue DECT indicator is on (solid);
b) the green POWER indicator flashes;
c) both the blue DECT and green POWER
indicators flash; and
d) the green POWER and blue ETHERNET
indicators are on (solid).
The unit has now completed the process. The phone
will not function until this process is complete.
Handset Synchronization*
1. After base is powered up, wait 5-7 seconds until
RSS synchronization icon briefly appears on the
handset display. This indicates that the handset and
base are synchronized to each other.
2. Next you will see the
RSS Service Wizard
will guide you step by step through setup of
Weather and Weather Alerts. There are some useful
channels pre-configured to help get you started.
you can bypass the Wizard at this time and return
3. Programmed content windows will start auto
scrolling and handset is ready for use.
For more information on the RSS setup refer to:
Programming Your Phone > RSS Settings
Your handset will
automatically display the
RSS synchronization icon
for a few seconds when
the feeds are updated at
approximately 15 minute
intervals. During this
automatic process you will
not be able to search or
view your RSS feeds.
*Thomson Inc. does
not warrant that the
content of any website
or RSS feed transmitting
content to this product
(InfoLink Phone) will be
uninterrupted or error
free. Access to streaming
content through this
device is subject to
provider availability.
Thomson Inc. does not
endorse any Internet-
based content or RSS
feeds maintained by a
third party that may be
accessed using this device.