DU-WS-0004-59 Rev A 6/15/11 GCX Corp. Page 8 of 9
Di splay Mount Tilt Tension Adjustment
1. Using a 1/2" socket wrench on each end of the tilt tension bolt, tighten or loosen bolt (located on the display mount)
until desired tension is achieved.
Cable Management
Channel Covers
(not shown) are provided for routing cables along the Wall Channel. Please refer to installation guide
(DU-UT-0001-20) included with Channel Covers.
Cable Guides (2)
snap into grooves on the underside of the Arm as shown below left.
Cable Retainers (2)
are provided behind the Folding Keyboard Bracket (below center) for routing keyboard and mouse
Nylon Cable Ties (2)
(below right ) are provided for bundling cables together if desired.
Cable Guides (2)
Cable Ties (2)
Cable Clips (2)
Tension Bolt