DU-FLP-0008-11 Rev B 2/20/08 GCX Corp Page 3 of 3
Mounting a Flat Panel Display with 75 x 75mm VESA Mounting Pattern
This procedure is only for a display with 75 x 75mm mounting pattern (Mounting Adapter not required)
If your display has
a 100 x 100mm mounting pattern,
mount the display according to separate installation guide titled:
GCX Mounting
Assembly Installation Guide, 75 x 75mm to 100 x 100mm VESA
Flat Panel Mounting Adapter (DU-FLP-0002-17).
1. Determine which M4 PHMS (6mm and 10mm provided) is the appropriate length for the display being mounted.
2. Thread two (2) M4 screws into the top threaded holes of the 75 x 75mm mounting pattern, leaving 3mm of thread
exposed. Lift the display onto the Mounting Plate by guiding the M4 screws into the slots in the Plate. Thread two (2)
M4 screws into the bottom mounting holes. Tighten all mounting screws.
Making Adjustments to the Display Bar
Horizontal Adjustment
The two (2) Display Mounts may be adjusted horizontally to accommodate two (2) flat panel displays with
to 21'' in width (not diagonal measurement). Using a 1/2'' [13 mm] wrench, loosen the nut on the bottom of the Display
Bar. Move display to desired position and tighten nut.
This adjustment may affect both horizontal movement and
swivel tension of the display. Ideally, this adjustment would allow the display to swivel but not move horizontally.
Swiveling the Display
Swivel displays individually (limited to ± 15º) or swivel the
Display Bar, Arm, or Roll Stand.
Adjusting Swivel Tension
Using a 1/2'' [13 mm] wrench, tighten or loosen the Swivel
Tension Nut as required to achieve desired tension. See
Horizontal Adjustment
Adjusting Tilt
Lever provides ratchet-style adjustment. Turn the Tilt
Adjustment Lever counterclockwise (CCW) to loosen.
Grasp display and tilt to desired angle. Turn Lever
clockwise (CW) to tighten and lock position
Adjusting Tilt Tension
Using the 5/32'' hex wrench (provided), equally tighten
or loosen the two (2) Tilt Tension Screws. Once desired
tilt tension is set, use the Tilt Adjustment Lever to fine
tune/lock the tilt position.
Tilt Adjustment Lever
Tilt Tension Screws (2)
M4 Screws (2)
Mounting Plate
M4 Screws (2)
Horizontal Adjustment
Swivel Tension Nut