Guangcheng Technology
GC-2302 user manual
Device number: 2, channel number: 1, pulse: 5000
send pdo: 0x601 23 00 30 00 02 02 88 13
2. Motor enable:
CANopen main index=0x3001
CANopen subindex=0
Send frame data: PDO par main index + sub index + device
channel enable signal (0 or 1) + 00
For example:
Device number: 1, channel number: 1, enable: 1
send pdo: 0x601 23 01 30 00 01 01 01 00
Device number: 1, channel number: 1, enable: 0
send pdo: 0x601 23 01 30 00 01 01 00 00
Device number: 1, channel number: 2, enable: 1
send pdo: 0x601 23 01 30 00 01 02 01 00
Device number: 1, channel number: 2, enable: 0
send pdo: 0x601 23 01 30 00 01 02 00 00
3. Speed control:
Send PDO to control the motor speed. The speed value (2 bytes) needs to be
multiplied by a factor of 0.1. For example, if the speed value is set to 1000, the actual
motor speed is
For example: GCAN-8000 is connected to a GC2302 module, CANopenID is 1, the
speed of the first channel is 1000, and the speed of the second channel is 2000
Send PDO data: 0x201 E8 03 D0 07 00 00 00 00
If you need to shut down the first motor, send the PDO value as 0: 0x201 00 00 D0 07
00 00 00 00