A before add your first indoor monitor
You need at least one door station added in your doordeer app account .
Then you can bind one or multiple door stations with your indoor
monitor or multiple indoor monitors.
B During adding this indoor monitor to your smart phone
Please make sure to turn off your smart phone Bluetooth and Cellular
Data, and connect your smart phone to your local wifi connection if
you try to use wifi connection with your indoor monitor.
C Can indoor monitor work with LAN which do not connect to internet
Yes. When indoor monitor and door station are in the same local network
(LAN), they can work together. Your mobile phone will not get a push
notification when LAN does not connect internet.
D Is there any reset button on the indoor monitor?
Yes, you could reset this indoor monitor to factory default setting by
pressing the reset button on the back of the indoor monitor. You will
hear one “dingdong” sound after pressing and holding the reset
GBF Customer Support Contact:
Phone: 1-604-278 6896 or 1-604-285 8721
Email: [email protected]
URL: www.gbfelectronics.com