• Additional information
Using multiple DCC32’s and accessories on a layout
DCC is designed to allow lots of locos and accessories to all be connected and controlled at the
same time, but of course there is a practical limit of how many things can be powered which
depends on your DCC controller and associated power unit. Low cost starter controllers tend to
have power capabilities of 1 amp or so, whereas larger systems can offer 4 amps or more.
A DCC32 takes relatively little power when not being used, but when first switched on or after
operating a point motor it takes around 0.15 amps for 2 seconds to recharge. As you are unlikely
to ever want to change every point on your layout at exactly the same time this should never
cause a problem, but if you have a lot of PC’s and other DCC items like locos and lights which all
get switched on at once when you power up your layout, potentially this could overload your DCC
controller. Ultimately may need to invest in a bigger power supply or controller, but you may be
able to reduce this ‘switch on surge’ by ensuring that Locos with sound (which can take more than
0.5amp each!) are all shut down properly before you switch off, and if you are using lots of PC’s
you can reduce this initial switch-on surge by having a simple switch to disconnect 2 or more
zones of your layout for just a few seconds after switch on while the capacitors charge up.
Power ‘bus-bar’
If you intend to fit lots of different DCC accessories and lights etc around your layout you may find
it is better to install a ‘bus-bar’ system instead of using the track to carry the load for everything.
A bus-bar can made of 2 thick wires which you distribute around the underside of your baseboard -
eg thick solid copper wires stripped from some surplus heavy duty house wiring mains cable.
Connecting two point motors to the same output
Each output of the DCC32 is designed to control just one point motor and although you may safely
connect two motors to the same output we do not recommended it because you are then sharing
the CDU power between two devices and so unlikely to get reliable operation. If you want to
operate 2 or more points together on the same DCC address it is best to connect each point motor
to separate outputs of the DCC32, but set them to the same address to make them work together.
• Troubleshooting...
• I cannot get the DCC32 to work at all
Check that the DCC32 LEDs are lit - if they are not but locos and accessories etc run correctly
check the connections between your DCC Controller and the DCC32.
I cannot set up DCC addresses on the DCC32
If the DCC32 LEDs are lit but do not flicker when you send a command double check that your
DCC controller is in
addressing mode - note that these are completely different to
Locomotive addresses and should be explained in your controller instructions. If not check
carefully that your controller will control DCC accessories - see page 4.
The DCC32 LED flashes when I send a command but the point does not move
If the LEDs on the DCC32 flickers when you send a command and you can hear a point motor
make a noise but not move the point, check alignment and cleanliness of the point/motor. Check
connections and keep wires to the motor short - if they are more than 300mm use thicker wire.
• There is a delay between some points changing when I send a route command
If a command is sent to change more than one point at the same time there is a built in delay
between point changes to give the CDU adequate time to recharge.
• Some points are changing when I do not want them to - how do I clear the store?
To reset the DCC32 and clear the route store press and hold the learn button for 10 seconds.
• LEDs remain lit for a while after the Power is switched off?
The DCC32 contains 2 large CDU capacitors which hold a charge for after power is turned off and
these also keep the circuitry alive. Wait for a minute before connecting or disconnecting wires.
If these checks fail please contact your supplier or DCP for advice and support.