Changes in sound pressure
Time (millisecond)
Oscillation damping in a synchronous belt
3MGT - PowerGrip
9 mm width belt
Background noise
It is not necessary to set “Gain” with this meter.
Gain is set automatically when the “Power” key
is pressed. Turning on the meter without the
sensor attached will result in the meter having
maximum sensitivity.
4. Sonic tension meter
operating theory
When an impulse is applied to a belt span, it
first oscillates in all modes of vibration, but the
higher frequency modes decay faster than the
fundamental mode. This leaves a continuous
sinusoidal wave that is related to a specific belt
tension. See diagram below.
Using a microcomputer, a data processing method
to capture a belt’s natural oscillation frequency
was developed. Using this method, the wave form
frequency can be determined easily.
The new system uses special sensors to detect
belt oscillation wave forms. Data from these
sensors is sent to the microcomputer inside the
sonic tension meter for processing and conversion
into the natural frequency. To calculate belt
tension, the sonic tension meter system uses the
“transverse vibration of strings theory”. To operate
the meter, the unit weight, span length and width
of the belt must be entered.
Formula: T = 4 x S
x M x W x f
x 10
Where: T = belt span tension (Newton)
S = length of the span to be
measured (mm)
M = belt unit weight (g/m/mm)
f = natural frequency of the belt (Hz)
W = belt width (mm)
Unlike a string, belts have cross-sectional rigidity.
Therefore, tension values measured by the
meter may be higher than the actual belt tension,
depending on the operating conditions under
which the effects of rigidity arise. When the actual
belt tension must be more precisely measured,
a simple calibration test may be necessary. This
calibration procedure is discussed in the section
on “Meter recalibration for non-standard belts”.