For achieving appropriate results, it is crucial to ensure that all ingre-
dients and the grinding cup, sealing ring, and blade assembly are absolutely dry.
By selecting the optimum blade assembly, the results can be adapted to your
liking (see: ‘Tips for Best Results’). However, in most cases, the grinding blades
are suited best.
1. Prepare your food: carefully remove any inedible parts (e.g. stalks, hard shells).
Then cut large parts into cubes of max. 2cm in size.
2. Select the required blade assembly (in most cases the grinding blades; see:
‘Selecting and Mounting the Appropriate Processing System’).
3. Check, whether the grinding cup, sealing ring, and blade assembly are com-
pletely dry and undamaged. There may be no scratches, cracks, distortions, and
4. Fill the grinding cup with the first portion of your prepared food. Always obser-
ve the maximum total amount (including all ingredients) for the grinding system:
150g (the grinding cup filled to approx. 2/3 of its height). If required, wipe the
rim of the grinding cup, because the sealing surfaces must be clean for getting
a leak-free seal.
5. With the smooth side facing downwards, place a sealing ring into the blade
assembly. Ensure to insert the sealing ring in the appropriate groove in the inner
rim of the blade assembly.
To avoid damage to the thread and ensure correct and leak-free
operation, always ensure to screw the blade assembly onto the grinding cup wit-
hout tilting the thread. For getting even grinding results, do not overfill the grinding
cup. The maximum amount of 150g stands for all ingredients in total.
Do not fill in liquids or wet or extremely oily foodstuffs. If you wish to process this
type of food, use the mixing system or mincing system (see: ‘Selecting and Moun-
ting the Appropriate Processing System’).
For grinding foodstuffs that will give off oils and moisture during grinding and
therefore easily go lumpy and sticky, in some cases it may be useful to add a little
sugar or salt.
6. Ensuring that the thread will not be tilted, screw the blade assembly onto the
grinding cup. Ensure a tight connection, but do not over-tighten the thread.
7. Ensure that the exterior of the grinding system is completely dry. Then place the
grinding system upside down onto the motor base. If required, turn the grinding