banH Xeo
for 8 Banh xèo
¾ cup + 2 Tablespoons rice flour (100 g)
cup all-purpose flour (45 g)
1 egg
of salt
3 tbsp coconut (25 g) unsweetened
1 tsp
potato flour
½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp
vegetable oil
¾ cup water (20 cl)
finely chopped chives
To make the batter:
Preparation time: 15 min.
Resting time: 1 hour.
Place the 2 types of flour, egg, salt, coconut,
potato flour, cumin and oil in a bowl. Mix
while gradually adding the water so as to
obtain a semi-liquid batter. Add the chopped
chives. Cover with a cloth and leave to rise
for an hour.
Thermostat 3
Pour a ladle of batter onto the griddle. Ra-
pidly spread with the rake so as to obtain a
thin pancake about 9 in (22 cm) in diameter.
Leave to cook for 30 seconds on each side.
Prepare a mixture of sliced onions, bean
sprouts, shelled prawns and pork cut in thin
strips. Brown this filling in a frying pan and
spread it on one half of the Banh xèo. Fold in
two like a turnover and garnish with a few let-
tuce leaves. Accompany with soy sauce and
decorate with chives and a slice of lemon.
Suggestions for fillings
With the same preparation you can make
sweet pancakes by replacing the salt with
sugar, and filling with grated coconut and
: for 6 Okonomiyaki
Okonomiyaki :
2 cups all-purpose flour (260 g)
1 egg
cups water (400 ml)
Filling :
8 oz
diced bacon (220 g)
4 oz
leeks, white parts only, cut lenght-
wise into thin strips (100 g)
3 oz
cabbage cut lengthwise into thin
strips (80 g)
3 oz
peeled and deveined shrimps or
prawns (80 g), diced
To make the batter:
Preparation time :
15 min.
Brown the bacon pieces in a frying pan. Re-
move and drain on a paper towel. In a bowl,
mix the thinly sliced leek and cabbage with
the prawns and bacon pieces. Divide this fil-
ling into 6 equal parts. In a separate bowl,
mix the flour and egg. Gradually add the wa-
ter so as to obtain a runny batter.
Thermostat 4
Pour ¾ of a ladle of batter onto the griddle
and spread with the rake to form an okono-
miyaki 8 in (20 cm) in diameter. Immedia-
tely spread one part of the filling onto the
still liquid pancake. Then spread a ladle full
of batter all over the filling to fix it in place.
Leave to cook for 2 min., then turn over with
the spatula and cook 1 ¼ mins. on the other
side, pressing the okonomiyaki with the spa-
tula. The okonomiyaki is served sprinkled
with soy sauce.
Suggestions for fillings:
can be prepared with all kinds of raw vege-
tables, meat and fish cut into thin strips.