Tools Required
• 6mm Flathead Screwdriver
• Small Adjustable Spanner
Included Kit Contents
• Main Burner Natural Gas Injector
• Side Burner Natural Gas Injector
• Rear Burner Natural Gas Injector (Pro only)
• Natural Gas Label
It is recommended to use the Gasmate GM4025 High
Flow Natural Gas Kit or similar, with a high flow regulator
and minimum of Ø10mm internal supply hoses to ensure
best performance.
Figure A
Figure C
Figure D
Figure B
Conversion of this BBQ to Natural Gas MUST only
be done by a licensed and authorised gas fitter.
The BBQ should be fully leak tested following
conversion using soapy water solution - DO NOT
use a naked flame.
The conversion and installation MUST be completed
in compliance with latest revision of AS/NZS 5601.
A certificate of compliance MUST be provided by the
licensed gas fitter following conversion.
A compliant high flow natural gas regulator must be
installed between the natural gas supply and the
BBQ, set to 1.0kPa.
(1) Ensure the BBQ is disconnected for gas supply and
there is no residual gas remaining in the system
(2) Open the main hood and side burner lids.
(3) Remove the trivets and burners
(4) From inside the burner box/side burner enclosure,
unscrew the existing Propane injector by turning
anti-clockwise (refer to Figure A).
(5) Fit the appropriate size Natural Gas injector (refer to
table on page 3 for details) by screwing it in clockwise
(refer to Figure B).
(6) The minimum flame setting for each burner will need
to be adjusted as follows.
(7) Remove all the knobs by carefully pulling them
toward you.
(8) Using a 6mm flathead screwdriver, insert it into the
hole below and to the side of the knob shaft and
turn the adjustment screw a minimum of 1/4-turn
(90-degrees) anti-clockwise (refer to Figure C and
Figure D).
(9) Repeat for all the burners.
(10) Replace all the burners and knobs once complete.
(11) Remove the Propane hose and regulator assembly
from the BBQ and connect the Natural Gas supply
hose with High-flow Natural Gas Regulator. A chain
should be fixed between an anchor point near the
gas supply and the BBQ to prevent movement of the
BBQ to less than 80% of the supply hose length.
(12) Leak test ALL joints and the assembly.
(13) Once confirmed leak-free, the burners should be test
lit, with all burners checked and adjusted as needed.
(14) On HI, the flame on all burners should be blue with
light yellow tips and be around 8-10mm high. The
aeration screw should be adjusted to achieve the
required flame if needed (ensure the gas is OFF and
the BBQ cool before adjusting).
(15) On LO, the flame should be just level with the top of
the burner and approximately 6mm high. If needed,
adjust the flame as per steps 6-8.
(16) Once completed, turn all the burner OFF and allow
to cool then refit all removed components (such as
flame tamers, grills and hot plates).
(17) Apply the “Natural Gas” label on the BBQ where the
dataplate is located.
(18) The gas pressure at the BBQ MUST be fully checked
by the licensed gas fitter.
(19) Ensure the owner/user is fully aware of the new gas
type and the appropriate safety measure for use.