Operation Interface
When the detector is turned on completely, the device will enter the detecting interface. The gas type will be showed on
the top left, and the time and battery power will be at the right. In the middle, there is the real- time concentration. If the
detector is with data storage function, there will be the storage status at the top of the concentration: ON or OFF, and
the total storage number. There will be BEEP-ON at the bottom left, which means the alarm is on. The PUMP-ON at
the bottom right, which means the pump is working.
Alarm Status
When the detected gas concentration is higher than the low alarm value, the alarm sound will be on, yellow light will
be flickered.
When the detected gas concentration is high than the high alarm value, the alarm sound will be on, red light will be
Alarm Setting
Press “Menu”, choose the “Alarm point set”, and start to set the alarm value.
There are LOW POINT and HIGH POINT for set, press “MENU” to move the cursor to the value you want to set, and
press the “PLUS” or “MINUS” to change the value. After the setting is done, press “ON/OFF” button to save the settings.
Low Battery Alarm
When the battery is low, there will be sound, light low battery alarm. There will be sound and light every 5 seconds to
remind the user to charge the device in time. When the battery is used up, the device will be turned off automatically.
Restore Setting
When all the settings are wrong, or users operate the detector in a wrong way, you can restore the detector to factory
settings. But if the detector works normally, please don’t operate this setting. In order to avoid wrong setting, password
is needed. If you want to restore the detector to factory setting, please contact the supplier.
Storage set
In the storage setting, you can set the storage status and the interval. Every time you turn on the detector, the storage
status defaults OFF, so you need to set the storage status if you want to record the data.
Press MENU, choose the “Storage set”, move the cursor by pressing MENU at the “ENABLE”, press MINUS to change
NO to YES.
The storage interval can be 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, etc. The highest interval is 1 hour.
+86 773-280-9002