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Annex F: Technical Support
Before contacting the Garz & Fricke support team, please try to help yourself by the means of this manual or
any other documentation provided by Garz & Fricke or the related websites.
If this does not help at all, please feel free to contact us.
Our technicans and engineers will be glad to support you. Please note that beyond the support hours included
the Starter Kit, various support packages are available. To keep the pure product cost at a reasonable level, we
have to charge support and consulting services per effort.
Shipping Address:
Garz & Fricke GmbH
Tempowerkring 2
21079 Hamburg
Support Contact:
Phone: +49 (0) 40 / 791 899-200
Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 791 899-39
E-Mail: [email protected]
URL: www.garz-fricke.com