Note: Dip 1-3 SW2 settings on both CC1 and CC2 MAX
Ampere (A), see table 2.
6. Install the electrical supply cable to terminals L1-L3, N , PE.
Note: GTB twinbox is equipped with double terminals that makes
it easy to forward the supply cable to another GTB Twinbox, see
picture 9.
(picture 9)
7. Fill in the serial number in the Guarantee form. See QR code
label at upper right corner of CC1, see picture 7.
8. Assembly the front cover and close the front door, see picture
9. Turn on electrical power.
10. For GTBDCW… models: Connect a mobile device (PC/
Tablet/Mobile) to the GTB Twinbox Wifi network. You find
SSID and password on a label inside the front door. Type in in your web browser and check that the GTB web
interface is visible. This action confirms that the GTB Twinbox wifi
module is working properly.
11. Test the GTB twinbox with a test instrument or test to charge
an electric vehicle to ensure that the GTB twinbox is working
12. Doublecheck that the Warranty Form is filled in completely,
sign with name, date and company that the warranty is valid.
Note that the GTB Twinbox need to be powered on for around
15min before this action.
(table 2)
GTB 3,7 kW = MAX 16 A
GTB 7,4 kW = MAX 32 A
GTB 11 kW = MAX 16 A
GTB 22 kW = MAX 32 A
(picture 10)
Max current (A) for each side and model