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GWX 68 Installation Manual
Preliminary Revision 1
1.6 Certification
The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It
is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to
determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards. TSO articles must have
separate approval for installation in an aircraft. The article may be installed only if performed under 14
CFR part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements. At the time of publication, installations of this
TSO approved article are only approved when installed in an aircraft as part of a Garmin G1000 system.
1.6.1 TSO/ETSO Compliance
TSO-C63c Class 7
1.7 Reference
The following publications are sources of additional information for installing the GWX 68. Before
installing the GWX 68, the technician should read all referenced materials along with this manual.
Part Number
G1000 System Installation Manual
MX20 Multi-Function Display Installaltion Manual