Select a five mile scale by pressing zoom
IN or OUT repeatedly.
Working from the Map Page is a simple
process that centers on the use of a reference
“arrow”. Controlled by the rocker keypad, the
reference arrow is an important tool allowing
you to pan to other areas on the map display,
create waypoints, view waypoint information
and create routes. To get a feel for using the
Map Page and the arrow, try the following
1. Using the rocker keypad to move the arrow, try
following a highway (or other feature) near your
position. Simply press and hold one side of the
rocker keypad to move more quickly. Notice how
a data field appears above the map, showing the
bearing and distance from present position to the
cursor, along with the latitude/longitude of the
arrow’s position.
2. Using the rocker keypad, move the arrow in any
direction until you find a nearby city or town. Once
you find a nearby city or town, place the pointer on
it to highlight the location. Now, press ENTER to
create a waypoint at the arrow location and
display the New Map Waypoint Page.
3. If the name of the city or
town is longer than six
characters, the GPS 12
MAP will abbreviate the
name when it creates the
waypoint. (If you select an
open location on the map,
where no city, town or
other feature is located, a
three-digit number is pre-
assigned to the new
waypoint created at the
panning arrow location.
To change the name,
highlight the waypoint name field, press ENTER
and use the rocker keypad to enter a new name –
UP/DOWN to change the first character, RIGHT to
move to the next character, and repeat. Once the
new name is spelled out, press ENTER.)
Creating a
Use the rocker keypad to
pan to other areas on the
map display. When pan-
ning, an arrow appears
as a reference along with
a data field above the
Place the panning arrow
over an on-screen item to
display a descriptive
Waypoint Name Field
Waypoint Position Field