Serial number : pls see front page
We Company,
ZA de l’Europe
60, Avenue de Bruxelles
77310 St FARGEAU
The undersigner, Bruno VAN ELSLANDE, Managing Director and the person authorized to
compile the technical file : Yuxi WANG, quality engineer
Declare that petrol mowers branded:
LK 41 B&S equipped with engines Briggs & Stratton 450E series 125 cc
Factory models: TZ41PB-BS450E
References: TOT911305
Cutting: 410 mm
LK 41 SP B&S equipped with engines Briggs & Stratton 450E series 125 cc
Factory models: TZ41SB-BS450E
References: TOT911307
Cutting: 410 mm
LK 46 B&S equipped with engines Briggs & Stratton 450E series 125 cc
Factory models: TZ46PB-BS450E
References: TOT911308
Cutting: 460 mm
LK 46 SP B&S equipped with engines Briggs & Stratton 450E series 125 cc
Factory models: TZ46SB-BS450E
References: TOT911309
Cutting: 460 mm
LK 51 SP HW SM B&S equipped with engines Briggs & Stratton 625EX series 150 cc
Factory models: TZ51SF-BS625EX
References: TOT911310
Cutting: 510 mm
LK 51 SP HW SM 173 cc OHV equipped with engines 173 cc
Factory models: TZ51SF-173
References: TOT911314
Cutting: 510 mm
LK 41 99 cc OHV equipped with engines 99 cc
Factory models: TZ41PB-99
References: TOT911374
Cutting: 410mm
(Lawn mower motor is a machine designed to cut and collect (depending on equipment)
grass from private ornamental garden)
are complying with Machine Directive 2006/42/EC
and with :
- EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
- Noise Directive 2000/14/EC (amended by 2005/88/EC)
- Emissions Directive 97/68/EC, amended by Directive 2002/88/EC, Directive
2004/26/EC and Directive 2010/26/EU
Evaluated conformity as per Directive 2000/14/EC, Annexe VI and Directive 2005/88/EC.
Notified body: 0036 TUV SUD Industrie Service Gmbh
Westendstrasse 199 • 80686 München • Deutschland