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6. The oil level should be on the upper area of the lower marked section of the dip
stick. If the oil level is sufficient replace the oil cap by engaging the cap into the
oil fill housing and lock by rotating in the oil cap in a clockwise direction.
7. If the oil level is insufficient, ie the oil level is not on the marked section of the
dip stick, add further oil in 50ml intervals and repeat steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 until the
correct oil level is obtained.
Always ensure the oil cap is firmly locked in place before the motor is started.
Do not over fill with oil above the High level mark. Only use SAE 10W/30 engine oil.
Fuel goes off after about 3-4 months. If you find
your mower does not start, first change the fuel in the tank
with newly purchased fuel and open the fuel bowl drain for
approx 5 seconds to drain out any old fuel from the motor. To
open the fuel drain, turn the drain screw in a anti clockwise
direction for 2 turns. Fuel should drain from the bottom of the
bowl. To re seal the drain, rotate the drain screw in a clockwise
direction until firm and the discharge stops.
Do not refill fuel tank while engine is running or is hot.
• Be careful not to admit dust, dirt, water or other foreign
objects into the fuel.
• Wipe off spilt fuel thoroughly before starting engine.
• Ensure you DO NOT fuel the lawn mower in close proximity
to any open flames, lit cigarettes, or hot objects.
Do not use ethanol fuel. Use fresh 91 Octane unleaded
1. Unscrew the fuel tank cap (7) and pour unleaded petrol into
the tank with the aid of a funnel.
2. Fill the tank to approximately 2.5 cm below the lowest
portion of the neck to allow for fuel expansion. Be careful
not to over fill.
3. Be careful not to spill any petrol, if this happens, wipe the spill with a clean rag.
4. Start the engine at least 3 metres away from the area where the fuel tank has been
filled in order to avoid the risk of fire.