3. Search for Melodise on your phone or device. Once found, click it to begin the
pairing process. If necessary, enter 0000 as the security code if your device or
phone prompts for it.
Using Melodise
How to Recharge Melodise
1. Plug the USB charging cable into Melodise.
2. After plugging the USB charging cable into Melodise, plug it into an AC adapter
(not included) or a computer.
3. When fully charged, unplug Melodise from AC adapter or computer.
Usage Tips
If you begin to hear static, you’re too far away from your phone or device and out of
Melodise’s range via Bluetooth.
When Melodise is paired to your phone or device successfully, it’ll blink blue to let you
know. If no sound is heard, you’re not paired correctly.
Will it automatically pair with my phone after the initial pair?