GAP Diagnostic 2019-07-15 All Rights Reserved
User Manual : Version 33, Firmware V3.0
4.7.5 Fuel Burning/Auxiliary Heater
(L322-10, L319, L320)
Fuel Priming
This routine will remove air from the system (if present) replacing it with fuel.
Check Operation
This routine will activate the fuel burning/auxiliary heater regardless of the ambient and engine tem
peratures. This routine will begin by clearing faults stored in the ECU. If the routine fails, proceed with
a read fault and fix the issue.
Use the
HVAC for AHCM (L322-10)
prior to using the Fuel Priming or Check Operation
routines on a L322-10.
These functions are useful to get the system up and running after a long period of inactivity, when
replacing the unit or simply to diagnose a problem.
Preparation (for both functions)
• Turn the key to the ON (position II) or press the start button without starting the engine.
• Turn off the HVAC system.
4.7.6 Instrument Pack
Service Interval Reset
(All except L322-02, L359 2013+*, L538*)
This resets the service reminder displayed on the instrument cluster.
Please perform the appropriate maintenance prior to resetting. This procedure requires the
engine to be turned OFF. The ignition must be turned ON.
*The reset can be done without using a diagnostic tool.
The reset routine is found in the engine ECU
For vehicles equipped with a diesel particulate filer, the reset func
tion affects the regeneration process. Therefore, an oil change should
be made at the same time as reset. Not changing the oil can cause
serious engine damage.