GAP Diagnostic 2019-07-15 All Rights Reserved
User Manual : Version 33, Firmware V3.0
4.5 Function “ Height Control ”
L319-10, L320-10, L322-10, L405, L494)
4.5.1 Definition
This function changes the current height mode (Normal, Off-Road or Access). An additional option for
lowering the rear axle down to the bump stops is also available.
4.5.2 Buttons description
Figure 53.
Height Control
Buttons :
1- Off-Road Height
2- Normal Height
3- Lower both axles to the bump stops
4- Access Height
5- Stop/Exit the function
Colours :
White -> Current possition
Green -> Possible possitions
Flashing White and Red -> Height change in progress
Red -> Overheat condition (see below)
Current heights:
are displayed on each wheels around
the vehicle.
Compressor temperature:
indicated at top right
When the compressor is overheating, the selected mode will be red. Once the compressor cools down,
the system will resume service to complete the current operation. The compressor temperature is
shown at top right.
WARNING: If the vehicle is fitted with non-standard wheels and/or tires (or tyres), using the
lowering to bump function may cause a clearance issue. Tires may come in contact with wheel
arch or other. Make sure no object are present under the car.