a) Copying GameSaves to your PSP Memory Stick
To use the CheatSaves on your PSP games you first need to copy the save to your PSP
Memory Stick. To do this, follow the steps below:
1. Double click on the “My GameSaves” folder to open it.
2. Select which gamesave you want to copy to your Memory stick.
3. Click the “Copy to Memory Stick” button
4. The save will be copied to your PSP Memory Stick.
5. The next time you play the game your save is for, the save will be loaded.
b) Backing up GameSaves to PC
You can back-up the GameSaves on your Memory Stick to a PC folder to save space on your
Memory Stick and always ensure you have a safe copy. To copy your saves off the Memory
Stick follow the steps below:
1. Click the “My GameSaves” folder so it is highlighted (this is the destination folder), and
the Gamesave files on your Memory Stick will show in the right panel.
2. Select which GameSaves you want to copy to the PC by clicking them. You can select more
than one by holding the “Ctrl” button your keyboard while you select them.
3. Click the “Copy to PC” button. You will be given the option to copy or move the files. If you
choose to “Copy” then a copy of the file(s) will be on both the PC panel and the Memory Stick.
If you choose to “Move” then the files will be moved off the Memory Stick to the PC folder.
4. After you select “Copy” or “Move” then the files will be in the “My GameSaves” folder.
You can download new GameSaves and media content from the GameShark server. To do this
your PC needs to be connected to the Internet.
a) User Configuration box
When you first click the Internet Downloads button, the user configuration box will appear. This is
where you enter your details:
Enter your E-mail address, chosen password, a nickname
and product key into the boxes provided.
The product key is a 16-digit number that can be found on
the Product Key card inside the box of GameShark Media
Manager for PSP.
Once you have entered
all these details, press
OK and the Internet
Downloads panel will
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