Depending on the mission, we’ll make sure your ’Mech
is outfi tted with jump jets and/or defensive weapons systems.
With jump jets you can launch your ’Mech into the air as a
defensive tactic in order to avoid missiles and other incoming
hits on your ’Mech. You can also use jump jets as an offensive
tactic to fi re beyond objects that obstruct your view. They’ll
also help you move to strategic positions in an environment
that you might not have gotten to otherwise. To use jump jets,
click and hold the Left thumbstick button for as long as jump
jet fuel remains.
Null signature masks you from enemy radar when you click
the Right thumbstick button and for as long as you have
power remaining. As you build up heat or use your weapons,
the ’Mech becomes increasingly visible.
Target jamming enables you to jam enemy radar within a given
range when you click the Right thumbstick button. It also
causes enemies to lose target lock-on.
Chaff attracts all missiles launched at your ’Mech for a limited
period of time. Click the Right thumbstick button to deploy it.
Be aware that limited power makes chaff unusable.
MechWarrior, in addition to the stock weaponry you’re
provided with, you can salvage weapons and armor during
missions. This turns you into a bit of a scavenger, but you
should be used to it by now. Find salvage by destroying
certain buildings, enemy vehicles, or even ’Mechs.
Each weapon salvage you perform increases the level for
that particular weapon. There are three levels, and with each
additional level the weapon’s fi repower increases until the
weapons of that particular level are depleted. The basic level 1
weapons always provide unlimited ammunition, but not as
much fi repower. A selected weapon’s power level is indicated
in the HUD’s Weapons Display.
Armor salvage increases your health in a
mission. Each time you salvage armor, a green
shield with a white cross appears momentarily
on the HUD.
Missile salvage increases the number of
missiles you fi re at one time, shortens the
recharge rate, and increases the damage.
Energy salvage increases the power of your
energy weapon, shortens the recharge rate,
and increases the impact on the enemy.
Ballistic salvage increases the number of
rounds you can fi re in a short amount of
time and increases the damage infl icted on
the enemy.