Friends and Foes
Kameo stands to learn a great deal from
Ortho (if she can bear his pompousness)
as her path winds into distant and
unfamiliar lands. Firmly enchanted into
the Wotnot Book, the irritable wizard
will always be on hand to offer advice.
The younger of the Queen’s heirs,
Kameo’s confidence, competence and
honesty have sealed her destiny as
successor to the throne. Even with her
morphing powers still in their infancy,
Kameo’s determination and courage
are second to none.
From a selfish child to a spiteful
adult, Kalus burns with resentment
at Kameo’s popularity and charm.
Overlooked as the rightful heir to
the Element of Power, rage has led
her to dedicate all her malice and
magic to the quest for retribution.
The Mystic
Although her attitude and appearance
may be a little rough around the edges,
the Mystic’s Sight makes her a useful ally
in Kameo’s quest. The Princess and the
crone may seem an unlikely partnership,
but they’ll both have to learn to adapt...
The Ancestors
Boisterous Lenya, courageous Halis
and wizened old Yeros—Kameo’s
three Ancestors have fallen under
Thorn’s control, along with Queen
Theena herself. Will her mother’s
decision to favor Kameo tragically
prove the undoing of them all?
Warrior Trainer
Although his principal duty is to train the
elite Elfin fighters, this calm, commanding
figure will also test Kameo’s resolve for the
quest ahead. Palace gossip suggests that
he may be financing himself with secret
enterprises out on the Badlands.
The masked stranger’s identity and
motives are unknown, though the
soldiers speak in awe of his Troll-
slaying skills. As he steps up to
lead the Elves in place of Kameo’s
kin, this man of mystery’s place
in history will soon be revealed.
Sealed in stone at the end of an historic life-or-death struggle,
Thorn—self-appointed King of the Trolls—now finds himself free
to cause havoc once more. This time, only the annihilation of
magic and total mastery of the tribes will satisfy him!