CENTRIC 3x480, User Guide, rel. 1.7
Inaccuracy in measurements made by the Centric can be corrected using calibration mode
(Setup > Modules). To perform calibration, choose the parameter to be calibrated (Figure 86), enter
the true value of the voltage or current, then tap Confirm.
Remember that calibration affects all of the modules in the system.
Figure 86: Calibration menu
The output voltage of an individual module can be adjusted using the “Ac output voltage adjustment”
option on the calibration menu (Figure 86). The outupt voltage adjustment is performed per phase.
To adjust a module’s output voltage, select the module, enter the desired values by which the phases
will be increased or decreased, then tap Confirm.
Be careful with output voltage adjustments! Remember that the UPS modules are connected in
parallel to one another, and so when you adjust one module you can be affecting current sharing.
The best way to perform output voltage adjustment is to transfer the load to the bypass voltage and
then put the UPS in maintenance bypass mode, if you have this option. Then shut down all the other
modules, and adjust each module one by one, with all of the other modules off.
10. In all cases, if the red “Alarm” LED on a module’s front panel is lit, perform a complete shutdown of
the problematic module (“Operation > Turn on/off > Modules off > (Select module) > Confirm”)
and then after 1 or 2 minutes restart the module
(“Operation > Turn on/off > Modules on > (Select module) > Confirm”).
If the module gets automatically disconnected again from the common output, note the shutdown
reason as described above. If the shutdown reason was desaturation (x’10’), the module must be
replaced. In the case of pulse-by-pulse protection (x’80’), circulation, (x’2000’), or high dc voltage
(x’1000’), the output voltage must be adjusted as described in item “9” above.
11. In the event that the module seems to be faulty, it must be replaced. There are general principles of
safety that apply to the insertion and removal of power modules. These principles also reduce the
chances of unplanned electrical disturbance to the loads.
The ideal situation is where the
can be turned off before performing the insertion or
removal of a power module.