UPS for 208 Vac Grid, B60US-IB Installation Guide, doc. rel. 3.0
Check OUTPUT values
38. Verify that the system is on inverter, if not transfer load to the inverter
"Main>Operation>Transfer load>Transfer load to inverter"
Preform a complete shut down to all but one power module.
"Main>Operation>on/off>modules off>complete shutdown"
39. Ac output phase-to-neutral voltages (should be 120 V, ±2%).
L1 – N _______ L2 – N _______ L3 – N ________
40. Ac output phase-to-ground voltages (should be 120 V, ±3%):.
L1 – Gnd _______ L2 – Gnd _______ L3 – Gnd ________
41. For each OUTPUT phase, use the mesurments taken in 39-40 and 32, use the following formula
to compute the acceptable phase-to-ground voltage range. The voltage difference should be
no greater than 2 Vac.
(Voltage between L and N) + (voltage between N and Gnd) = (voltage between L and G)
Not OK
(record value) ____________ V
42. With the system in inverter mode, measure the voltage difference between the bypass line and
the ac output line (L1-L1, L2-L2, L3-L3). The difference should not exceed 60 V.
Not OK
(record phase and value) ____________ V
43. Manually transfer the load to bypass, then to inverter, and then back to bypass again.
Not OK
If the output is not with in the acceptable tolarance preform an "ac output adjust" and correct
the output volatge.
This must be performed one module at a time.
45. Turn on the next power module and wait for the LEDs to turn green. Then shutdown the
previous power module and perform the ac output checks (items 38 through 44) repeat this
process for each remaining ac module, one module at a time.
Upon completion press "SYSTEM ON" (“Main > Operation> ON/OFF > System ON”).
This will turn on all the power modules then repeat steps 38-39. If the volatges shown on the
sceen are not within the accepatble tolerance compaired to the multimeter measured volatges
calibrate the irregular output voltages.
Testing and Setup
46. Verify that the system is running on normal mode at full capcity.
47. Verify that the batteries are connected and at floating volatge ±216 Vdc.