The drawings available on the Drawing page are generic drawings. Depending on
the analyzer’s specific configuration, these drawings may not be 100% accurate.
When in doubt, always refer to the specific analyzer’s as-built drawings, included
on the USB stick that is included with every analyzer.
4.4.17 Manual Page
This page allows the user to download the AccuLase-GPA™ Installation and Safety manual and
Operation and Maintenance manual in PDF format.
The manuals available on the Manual page may not be the most recent versions of
these manuals. When in doubt always refer to the manuals included on the USB
stick that is included with every analyzer.
4.4.18 About Page
This page presents information about the hardware and firmware of the AccuLase-GPA™,
including version numbers. This information is useful for troubleshooting in the event of analyzer
problems, and should be provided to the Service Department of Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc.
when asking for assistance.
4.5 Technician Menu
The Technician menu is used to configure the hardware outputs of the AccuLase-GPA™ Input / Output (IO)
board. It consists of only one menu item.
4.5.1 Output Test
The Output Test page is used to test the variety of hardware outputs on the IO board. It can also
be used to set up and calibrate the analog output(s). The Output Test page is shown in Figure 48.
Figure 40: Output Test