UT66000806 - 02
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MICRONET- Advanced microprocessor control
panels for ergo solution
MICRONET is the control panel suitable for the
connection to the ERGO SOLUTION. Microprocessor
control panels for wall installation complete with fan
speed selector, electronic thermostat and cooling /
heating mode selector; for the automatic control of
the fan working on the valves and electric heater, if
Fan speed control, room temperature regulation and
cooling / heating mode selection:
- room temperature regulation both in the cooling and heating mode, by
means of fan start/stop, at a manually set speed;
- room temperature regulation both in the cooling and heating mode, by
means of the automatic regulation of the fan speed;
- timer function (not available for MICROPRO-D);
- cooling / heating mode selection in the following way:
- manual in built;
- automatic according to the water temperature;
- automatic according to the room temperature;
- control of the ON/OFF valves for 2 or 4 pipe system;
- control of the electric heater as integration or replacement of the hot
water heat exchanger with delayed stop of the fan (2 min.).
The MICRONET control panels are provided also with contacts for external
signals in order to enable or disable the unit operation.
- terminals for the connections with external signals in order to enable or
disable the unit operation;
- terminals for the connections with external signals in order to enable or
disable the ECONOMY set point (only if combined with ERGO software)
- air temperature probe
- water temperature probe
- RS485
- built-in MODBUS communication protocol
- Built-in Polarity and termination resistance
- Protocollo di comunicazione MODBUS integrato
- Resistenze di polarizzazione e terminazione integrate attivabili tramite jumper
MICRO e MICRO-D - Microprocessor control panels
Microprocessor control panels for in built (MICRO) or
wall (MICRO-D) installation, complete with fan speed
selector, electronic thermostat and cooling / heating
mode selector; for the automatic control of the fan
coil unit.
Fan speed control, room temperature regulation and
cooling / heating mode selection:
- regulation of the room temperature both in the cooling
and heating mode, by means of fan start/stop, at a manually set temperature;
- regulation of the room temperature, both in the cooling and heating mode,
by means of the automatic regulation of the fan speed;
- timer function (not available for MICRO-D);
- cooling / heating mode selection in the following ways:
- manual in built;
- automatic according to the water temperature (with the SW water
probe; option).
MICROPRO e MICROPRO-D - Microprocessor control
Microprocessor control panels for in built (MICROPRO)
and wall (MICROPRO-D) installation complete with
fan speed selector, electronic thermostat and cooling
/ heating mode selector; for the automatic control of
the fan working on the valves and electric heater, if
Fan speed control, room temperature regulation and
cooling / heating mode selection:
- room temperature regulation both in the cooling and heating mode,
by means of fan start/stop, at a manually set speed;
- room temperature regulation both in the cooling and heating mode, by
means of the automatic regulation of the fan speed;
- timer function (not available for MICROPRO-D);
- cooling / heating mode selection in the following way:
- manual in built;
- manual remote (centralized);
- automatic according to the water temperature (with the SW water
probe, option for MICROPRO-D, included in MICROPRO kit);
- automatic according to the room temperature (with air temperature probe,
- control of the ON/OFF valves for 2 or 4 pipe system;
- control of the electric heater as integration or replacement of the hot
water heat exchanger with delayed stop of the fan (2 min.).
The MICROPRO / MICROPRO-D control panels are provided also with contacts
for external signals in order to enable or disable the unit operation.
SW - Water temperature lectronic probe for
microprocessor control panels
Water probe for the MICRO, MICRO -D and
MICROPRO-D control panels:
automatic selection of the cooling / heating
operation mode.
Connected directly to the microprocessor control
panel, this probe measures the water temperature inside the heat exchanger.
If the temperature is lower than 17°C the unit works in cooling mode and the
temperature range of the control panel will be referred to the cooling mode
(19/31°C); if the temperature registered is higher than 37°C the unit works
in heating mode and the temperature range of the control panel will be
referred to the heating mode (14/26°C).
If the temperature registered is between 17°C and 37°C the control panel
will disable the unit operation.
The SW water probe is included in the MICROPRO and MICRONET kit.
TC - Fan stop thermostat: elecromechanical
thermostat for minimum water temperature
during heating
Fan stop thermostat with automatic resetting, it stops
the fan motor assembly when the water temperature
in the heat exchanger decreases under the set value
Usefull only in the heating mode for installation on the finned pack of the
heat exchanger.
IPM - Power interface for the connections to the
control panels MICRO-D and MICROPRO-D
The IPM power board permits to use MICRO-D and
MICROPRO-D microprocessor-based control panels on
the whole range of UTN air handling units, even for
models with current consumation greayer than 1A.
The capacity of the IPM contacts is 16A, IP30 rating.
The use of the IPM power board matched with the
microprocessor controls is:
- recommended for the UTN06, UTN08 air handling unit;
- compulsory for all the others models.