NEGATIVE (-) welding socket.
POSITIVE (+) welding socket.
Front gas connector.
It is used to connect the gas
pipe coming from the torch.
TIG torch.
It is a five-pole AMPHENOL connector.
To carry out a reset of the parameters set on the front panel, and load the default values,
keep the S2 and S4 keys held down together during the start-up of the machine.
• L1:
LED Output power on. When this LED is lit, it means that there is power at the output socket of the
welding machine.
• L2:
LED alarm. When this LED is lit, it means that the thermal cut-out for overheating of the machine
has triggered. In this case, we suggest you leave the machine on to allow the fan to cool the machine better and
more quickly.
When the machine is turned on, L2 remains on for 3 seconds during which there is no voltage on the welding
machine outlets.
All the displays show the writing AL.H.
Display. Allows you to display the value for the weld current set or the value of the welding parameter
chosen with key S2, both in adjustment from the panel (INTERNAL) and from the remote control (EXTERNAL).
• E1:
Encoder to alter the values for the parameters shown on the display. Allows you to change the value
shown by the display for the welding current (only by adjustment from the panel) or the value for the welding
parameter chosen with key S2 (by both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL adjustments).
• J1:
6-pole military connector for REMOTE CONTROL. It can be connected to a potentiometer remote
control or foot control; in the last case, only the two-stroke lift-arc (2T) and the two-stroke HF (2T HF) processes can
be selected. The regulation of the ascent/descent ramp time is not available.
• L25:
LED EXTERNAL. When this LED is off it shows that adjustment from the panel (INTERNAL) has
been selected, while if the LED is on it shows that adjustment from the remote control (EXTERNAL) has been selected.
• S1:
INTERNAL-EXTERNAL selection key. By pressing the S1 key, you can select adjustment of the welding
current from the panel or from the remote control
If a pedal remote control is used it is possible to set the maximum and minimum value of the welding current; with
E1 the maximum current is set, while by pressing the S1 key for two seconds the minimum current can be set as a
percentage of the set maximum current, visualized as cXX (XX = percentage value, from 1 to 90%).