Gaiam and the Flower of Life logo are trademarks of Sequential Holdco, LLC. ©2023 Sequential Holdco, LLC. All rights reserved. Manufactured and distributed under license by
Fit for Life LLC, 1000 S McCaslin Blvd. Suite 300, Superior, CO 80027-8693.
SKU 05-65129GUIDE
START: Secure band around both legs just above
knees. Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms
straight at the sides or clasped in front of the body.
START: Secure band around both legs just above
knees. Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands on
hips or in front.
FINISH: Slowly bend knees, lowering hips and glutes
until thigh of front leg and shin of back leg are almost
parallel to the floor. Lift back heel off floor, keeping
front knee directly over foot, head and shoulders
directly above hips, and back straight. Hold 1-2
seconds and return to start.
START: Secure band around both legs just above the
knees. Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands on
hips or clasped in front of the body. Take a big step
to the side with your right leg, then bend your left
knee, push hips back and lower until your left knee is
bent 90 degrees. Hold for 1 - 2 seconds and return to
start. Repeat on other leg.
FINISH: Slowly raise arms while bending knees, lower
hips and glutes until arms are straight out in front and
knees are directly above toes. Hold 1-2 seconds and
return to start position.
FINISH: Slowly bend knees, lowering hips and glutes
until thigh of front leg and shin of back leg are almost
parallel to the floor. Lift back heel off floor, keeping
front knee directly over foot, head and shoulders
directly above hips, and back straight. Hold 1-2
seconds and return to start.