Gaggle Buggy and Accessories
Part Description Assembly Number
A. Gaggle Buggy 416XXXX
Available as accessories:
B. Gaggle Roof Assembly 4163157
C. Gaggle Cover TBD
D. Infant Seat 4164077
Brake Operation and User Adjustment
The following Brake instructions are critical for safe operation of the
Gaggle Buggy. Brake operation MUST be confirmed before each use.
The Foundations Gaggle Buggy has a superior 2 function brake system.The Gaggle
Buggy has an control brake on the right side and a parking emergency brake on the left
side. The right side control brake is adjustable by the customer.
Right Side Control Brake Operation
Figure 1
Brake operation:
The right side brake operation is made to be
similar to a bicycle style hand brake. The
brake is controlled by increasing pressure
as you squeeze on the handle.
This activates an efficient disc style brake.
Note: This brake handle must be free to
move in normal use. DO NOT attach any
objects to it or use any method of
restraining it’s use.
See Figure 1