Select the correct filter basket
and insert it in the filter holder (9).
Use the small filter basket for 1 cup
and the large filter basket for 2 cups
of espresso. Then insert the filter
holder (9) into the brew head (11) to
After the warm-up period, remove
the warm tilter-holder
brew-head (11) and
ground espresso coffee using
measuring spoon provided. Place
one level measure of coffee in
basket for each cup of espresso. Do
not overfill. Gently tamp down coffee
tamper (13) provided. Do
not compress too firmly.
Clean any excess coffee from the
rim of filter holder (9). Insert filter
holder into brew head (11) by
holding handle approximately 45
degrees to the left as you face
machine. When properly aligned,
move handle firmly to the right to
lock into position. The handle should
point to the front of the machine or
slightly to the right.
Place one or two espresso cups on
the drip plate (10) to line up with the
spouts of the filter holder. Depress hot
water/brew switch (3) to “I” position.
Espresso will start to flow into cups.
When cups are
full, release brew
switch to
The more water you
allow to flow, the weaker the coffee.
When properly made, the espresso
will have a light brown foam
floating on the top. If not, refer to
Troubleshooting Hints.
cups and serve.
To make more espresso, carefully
and slowly remove the filter holder
by moving handle to the left. Use
care as hot water will be on top of
the coffee grinds in the holder. Some
water will
to drip from brew
head as filter holder is removed.
That is normal and due to the pump
pressure in the system.
Knock out used coffee grinds from
filter basket and rinse. For more
espresso repeat steps 4 to above.
A unique
disc fitted
into the
t h e
will produce
essential for the authentic espresso,
whatever type of grind you use. Further-
more, you need only use the two-cup
filter basket even when brewing f&one
person (one level measure of coffee
P r e p a r i n g
When preparing to make cappuccino,
have all of the ingredients at hand as
well as a frothing pitcher (or mug)
filled with skimmed or low-fat milk and
cups that are larger (6 oz.) than those
used for espresso.
Frothing Milk:
Which kind of milk?
The less fat content in the milk the
denser the froth will be. Skimmed or
low-fat (2%) milk will provide a thick
foam. With regular milk the froth will
quickly collapse. The Turbo-Frother will
give you all the froth required but don’t
let milk come to a boil. Let frothed milk
stand for about 30 seconds before
spooning in onto the espresso.
It may require two or three tries to
“become an expert” but you will be
successful at frothing milk if you give it a
chance. Swivel the Turbo-Frother steam
nozzle slightly outward so that you can
get the frothing pitcher under the nozzle
without hitting the base of the machine.
1. Make espresso (in a large cups) as
described above.
2. Depress steam switch (4) “I”.
3. After 10 to 15 seconds or, when
temperature ready-light (3a) goes
on, place the frothing pitcher
halffilled with low-fat milk under
Turbo Frother steam nozzle so that
tip just under the surface of the
milk. See