Choosing the right
heating power
which traditionally use the “bain
Marie” method, such as sauces and creams
containing egg, can be cooked in the receptacle
itself at lower power levels, obtaining the same
results and without the risk of the sauces or
creams curdling.
Perfect heat setting
also offers improvements in
the cooking of foods involving as chocolate
baths, "choux" pastry (for profiteroles) or others
requiring long cooking times, by not preventing
food from sticking to the sides of the receptacle.
The lowest possible heating-power
should be used to achieve this. When the
cooking temperature falls too much, turn it up by
1-2 settings. If the temperature rises too much,
all you need do is turn the setting down; it is not
necessary to remove the receptacle from the
, it is recommended that the oil
should be heated up at the highest possible
power setting and then turned down to a mid-
setting when the foodstuffs are placed in the
heated oil. This setting should then be kept for
the remainder of the cooking process.
Liquids and soups can be brought to boiling point
using the Booster function. Once boiling point
has been reached, the remainder of the process
can be performed at a lower power setting. In
this way, little evaporation will take place and the
energy-consumption level is kept at a minimum.
On turning the cooking plate off, residual heat is
not enough to keep the cooking process going.