User’s Manual
– December, 2014
Page | 16
Trigger Modes
Three triggering modes are available: Edge, Window, and Slope. The Edge and Slope have selectable direction. When
selecting an analog trigger source, the trigger direction is changed in the “Adjust Trigger Level” menu, by moving up or
down the trigger level. When selecting a digital trigger source, the trigger direction is toggled on every button press.
Edge Trigger
: The trigger occurs when the signal crosses the trigger level in a certain direction. The trigger level is
represented on the display as a rising ( ), falling ( ) or dual arrow ( ).
Rising edge
: The trigger occurs when the signal crosses the level from below to above.
Falling Edge
: The trigger occurs when the signal crosses the level from above to below.
Dual Edge
: The trigger occurs when the signal crosses the trigger level in any direction.
To select the Dual Edge mode, deselect Window, Edge, and Slope in the “Trigger Mode Menu”, the trigger
mark will change to a dual arrow:
Window Trigger
: The trigger occurs when the signal leaves a voltage range. This mode is useful for detecting
overvoltages or undervoltages. Two arrow trigger marks represent the window levels.
Slope Trigger
: The trigger occurs when the difference between two consecutive samples is greater or lower than
a predefined value. This is useful for detecting spikes or for detecting high frequency signals. The trigger mark is
represented on the screen as two small lines, with a separation proportional to the trigger value.
Figure 26: Window Trigger
Figure 27: Slope trigger
Figure 25: Edge Trigger
Edge Trigger
The signal crosses a level.
Window Trigger
The signal is outside a range.
Slope Trigger
The difference of two points
in the signal is above a value.