Using G-DRIVE with Time Machine
G-DRIVE is a perfect candidate to use with Apple Time
Machine. Time Machine provides automatic backup for your
crucial files. The following steps will guide you in setting up
the G-DRIVE with Time Machine.
Format the drive as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as
described in “Reformatting for Mac OS X” here.
After the drive is reinitialized, you should see the following
dialog box. Click the
Use as Backup Disk
If the dialog box did not launch, go to the Apple Menu >
System Preferences and click on the Time Machine icon.
The Time Machine pane of System Preferences will then
launch and be automatically switched to on.
You are now free to set
options by clicking the
Options button. This
chooses files you do not
want to backup.
The G-DRIVE is now backing
up your important files
automatically with Time