Programming Dial to Open Gate Entry
( Ca l l e r I D )
You can open t he Gat e/ Door dir ect fr om a m obile phone or landline by calling t he
sim car d num ber , once you call t he num ber t he GSM I nt er com w ill r ej ect t he call, but w ill
t ake t he com m and t o open the gat e/ Door .
We have a caller I D funct ion cont r olled by dipsw it ch 2, if t his is set t o ON only t he
num ber s st or ed on t he sim car d w ill be aut hor ized t o open t he Gat e/ Door , if set t o OFF
t her e is no caller I D secur it y and any caller can open t he gat e.
By Texting
You must first enter the telephone numbers that are authorized to use the Intercom .
By sending a text message with the authorized numbers.
Example: (hash) (01 to 80) (hash) (phone number) (hash)
Then send this as a text to the intercom simcard.
# #
Max 80 numbers
You can only send one number at a time, it is important to wait until you receive a text
acknowledgment before sending the next number.
Then send this as a text message to the intercom simcard.
Below is a notepad to help you remember the numbers that you have saved to your simcard, in the
event you need to modify or delete In the future.
#01# _____________________ #
#06# ______________________#
#02# ____________________ _#
#07# ______________________#
#03# _____________________ #
#08# ______________________#
#04# ___________________ _ #
#09# _______________________#
#05# _____________________ #
#10# __________________ __ _# (max 80 numbers)
If you do not need authorized numbers you can turn
Dip Switch 2
to Off
Please make sure you have credit on your simcard to receive text Acknowledgment.
It may take a time to receive a text acknowledgement this depends upon how
busy your telephone network is.
N o t e :
T o a v o i d co n f u si o n w e h a v e co l o u r co d e d t h e h a sh (
) a n d t h e st a r (
sy m b o l s.
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