G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration
Sound-intensity Probe Type 50AI - Page 4
Introduction and Description
The Sound-intensity Probe Type 50AI (Fig. 1.1) is a two-microphone sound intensity probe. It
has a pair of G.R.A.S. phase-matched ½″ microphones Type 40AI (Fig. 1.2), two G.R.A.S. ¼″
microphone preamplifiers Type 26AA, solid spacers, remote control handle and connection
cable. The probe is adjustable, durable and fully complies with the following requirements:
• IEC 61043, Electroacoustics - Instruments for the Measurement of Sound Intensity - Meas-
urements with Pairs of Pressure Sensing Microphones, 1993 for Class 1 Sound-intensity
Fig. 1.1 The Sound-intensity Probe Type 50AI