LI0063 – Revision 29 May 2015
Specifications are given on our website. Visit www.gras.dk
Calibration, Warranty and Repair
Before leaving the factory, all G.R.A.S. products are calibrated in a controlled laboratory environ-
ment using traceable calibration equipment. A calibration card is included. In addition, the sensi-
tivity data is stored in the TEDS memory.
We recommend a yearly recalibration at minimum, depending on the use, measurement environ-
ment, and internal quality control programs.
We recommend calibration prior to each use to ensure the accuracy of your measurements.
G.R.A.S. microphone sets are made of components from our proven standard portfolio and are
all manufactured of high-quality material and branded parts that were chosen and processed to
ensure life-long stability and robustness.
All parts are manufactured and assembled at the factory in Denmark by skilled and dedicated
operators in a verified clean-room environment. The microphone diaphragm, body and unique
protection grid are made of high-grade stainless steel and make the microphone set resistant to
physical damage as well as corrosion caused by aggressive air or gasses.
This, together with the enforced gold-plated microphone terminal which guarantees a highly
reliable connection, enables us to offer 5 years warranty against defective materials and
Exception: For cables, also integrated, a 6 month warranty applies.
Service and Repairs
All repairs are made at G.R.A.S. International Support Center located in Denmark. Our Support
Center is equipped with the newest test equipment and staffed with dedicated and highly skilled
engineers. Upon request, we make cost estimates based on fixed repair categories. If a product
covered by warranty is sent for service, it is repaired free of charge, unless the damage is the
result of negligent use or other violations of the warranty. All repairs are delivered with a service
report, as well as an updated calibration chart.