The power and signal pads on the PCB conform to the FuzzDog Direct Connection
format, so can be paired with the appropriate daughterboard for quick and easy
offboard wiring.
Snap the small metal tag off the pot so it can be
mounted flush in the box.
Pot mounts on the same side of the board as the other
components (other than the IC).
The striped leg (cathode) of the diode goes into the
square pad.
The long leg (anode) of the electrolytics capacitors go into
.the square pads
The IC fits on the back of the board
“IC on the back of the board?
That’s crazy!” Well, no. It
means you can easily fit one of
these bad boys into a 1590A.
R4 and R7 will have to be
soldered in place before you
mount the IC socket. Make
sure you trim those
connections good and tight so
they aren’t stopping the socket
getting flush with the board.
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