This procedure is the same for both versions of the daughterboard.
Solder in your daughterboard resistors, caps and ICs as appropriate. Push your LEDs through
their pads (long leg to round pad), and bend the legs slightly so they can’t slide back out.
Set the height of your footswitches as desired using the lower nut in each case. It’s best to
have it at least one turn away from the main switch body so you aren’t putting any pressure
on that when attaching them to the enclosure. Now drop them into place on top of the
enclosure, including any internal hardware such as anti-vibration washer or locknut. Loosely
fasten them in from the other side using the other nut. Ensure they can still be moved.
Do the same with your main PCB - drop the pots through the holes in the enclosure and
fasten two or three of them from the other side.
Now drop your daughterboard over the header pins on the main PCB. They should line up
very well. Once located, drop the daughterboard further down and onto your switch pins.
The enclosure should have plenty of wiggle room where the pots and footswitches mount, so
getting a good fit should be no problem. Once you’re happy with placement, solder in your
footswitches and the headers.
Once you’ve done your final assembly and have the circuits in place actually INSIDE the box,
push your LEDs down into place and solder.