00049502.DOC, Version 1.1
Control-channel 3 - PAN/TILT-speed
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 242 00 F2
0% 95%
F Decreasing speed
243 255 F3 FF
95% 100%
S No function
Control-channel 4 - Rainbow effect
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 15
00 0F
0% 6%
S No function
16 143 10 8F
6% 56%
F Rainbow switch with increasing speed
144 255 90 FF
56% 100%
F Rainbow fade with increasing speed
Control-channel 5 - Red
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 255 00 FF
0% 100%
F Red (0=off, 255=100% red)
Control-channel 6 - Green
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 255 00 FF
0% 100%
F Green (0=off, 255=100% green)
Control-channel 7 - Blue
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 255 00 FF
0% 100%
F Blue (0=off, 255=100% blue)
Control-channel 8 - Strobe
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 0
00 00
0% 0%
S No function
1 127 01 7F
0% 50%
F Strobe-effect with increasing speed
128 191 80 BF
50% 75%
F Pulse effect in sequence
192 255 C0 FF
75% 100%
F Special strobe-effect
Control-channel 9 - Dimmer
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 5
00 05
0% 2%
S Blackout
6 255 06 FF
2% 100%
F Gradual adjustment of the dimmer intensity from 0 to 100 %
Control-channel 10 - Reset and internal demo programs
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 4
00 04
0% 2%
S No function
5 8
05 08
2% 3%
S Red, green and blue
9 19
09 13
4% 7%
S Red
20 39
14 27
8% 15%
S Green
40 59
28 3B
16% 23%
S Blue
60 79
3C 4F
24% 31%
S Red and green
80 99
50 63
31% 39%
S Red and blue
100 119 64 77
39% 47%
S Green and blue
120 250 78 FA
47% 98%
S 7-color fade
251 255 FB FF
98% 100%
S Reset all motors
Control-channel 11 - PAN-movement with 16-bit resolution
Control-channel 12 - TILT-movement with 16-bit resolution