00075751.DOC, Version 1.1
DMX protocol
Mode/Channel Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
St. Ex. 1 Ex. 2
1 1 1
Horizontal movement (PAN)
0 255 00 FF 0% 100%
Push slider up in order to move the head
horizontally (PAN). Gradual head adjustment from
one end of the slider to the other (0-255, 128-
center). The head can be stopped at any position
you wish.
2 2
PAN-movement with 16-bit resolution
0 255 00 FF 0% 100%
F Fine indexing
2 3 3
Vertical movement (TILT)
0 255 00 FF 0% 100%
Push slider up in order to move the head vertically
(TILT). Gradual head adjustment from one end of
the slider to the other (0-255, 128-center). The
head can be stopped at any position you wish.
4 4
TILT-movement with 16-bit resolution
0 255 00 FF 0% 100%
F Fine indexing
3 5 5
PAN/TILT speed
0 255 00 FF 0% 100%
F Decreasing
PAN/TILT function
15 00 0F 0%
6% S
16 31 10 1F 6% 12%
S Blackout at PAN/TILT-movement
32 255 20 FF 13% 100%
S No
4 6 7
Shutter, strobe function
15 00 0F 0%
6% S
Normal Shutter Functions
16 31 10 1F 6% 12% S Opening pulse-effect
32 47 20 2F 13% 18% S Closing pulse-effect
48 63 30 3F 19% 25% S Random strobe-effect
64 255 40 FF 25% 100%
S No function
5 7 8
Shutter, strobe
Normal Shutter Functions
31 00 1F 0% 12% S Close
32 223 20 DF 13% 87% F Strobe-effect with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100%
S Open
Opening pulse-effect
31 00 1F 0% 12% S Close
32 223 20 DF 13% 87% F Pulse-effect with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100%
S Open
Closing pulse-effect
31 00 1F 0% 12% S Close
32 223 20 DF 13% 87% F Pulse-effect with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100%
S Open
Random strobe-effect
31 00 1F 0% 12% S Close
32 223 20 DF 13% 87% F Strobe-effect with increasing speed
224 255 E0 FF 88% 100%
S Open