A. Procedure of removing the VR18 ICs
1. Turn off the power, remove any communication connection(s), remove I/O cards in rear Slots and
the CF card.
2. If the VR18 enclosure is a panel-mount style, remove the mounting clamp.
If it is bench top /portable style, remove the handle, two ears and two feet.
a. The handle: Remove it in a reverse way as Figures 2-11, 2-10 & 2-9 on the VR18 User
b. Two ears: Remove them by pulling toward the backside.
c. Two feet: Remove them in a reverse way as Figures 2-14, 2-13 & 2-12.
3. Remove six screws in the back, take off the metal housing and then turn the main part of recorder
upside down with the display against you
4. Carefully disconnect cables of CN2 (one red cable), CN4 (one blue cable), CN3 (one black cable).
Regarding CN1, pull two ends of cable socket toward the display, and carefully take off the cable.
5. Remove four screws on the board and turn the main board upside down.
VR18- IC replacement 2-03-2005.doc
Future Design Controls, Inc.
P.O. Box 1196 / Bridgeview, Il 60455
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